Friday, September 3, 2010


Dear Summer,

I have had such a short time with you. I already am mourning you and all your beauty, warmth, and long days full of fun and laughter. Fall is in the air though and there is nothing I can do. I would ask you to hurry back a little faster next time and stay a little longer too. I love you and will miss you everyday that I have to wear shoes and a coat to get the mail.

Sincerely yours,


These are just a few of the fun times we had this summer.


Kerri said...

You don't have to wear your shoes while getting your mail in the winter. Just run really fast! :)

Where are you in the last picture you posted?

Sarah said...

I L.O.V.E the last picture!
I have the same feelings...summer is the BEST. Glad to see you are posting a bit more! Love you :)