Friday, January 22, 2010


I can't put into words how blessed I feel each time Heavenly Father lets me have another beautiful, perfect, healthy baby. Many people may call me crazy for having 5 kids by 29, but I would have to say that I am not crazy, just very lucky:) I love being a mom more than anything I could ever dream of and wouldn't trade it for all the other fun stuff everyone else get to do!!! Yes, it does get hard...a lot. Yes, I do my fair share of complaining. And, Yes, I do miss my body that I use to have, but when I hold my babies in my arms I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Blake made his way into the world on Oct. 5th. My water broke the night before and we went right away to the hospital. I wanted to try and do it with out an epidural to have the "natural" experience. I lasted to a 7-8 and then the contractions came on so strong that I totally wimped out and had an epidural. I love modern medicine. He was my smallest baby at 7 lbs 3 oz. I was of coarse in love with him at first sight and haven't stopped kissing him since. He has been a joy in our lives and is so good and easy. Man I love babies way too much!!!!

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