Thursday, April 5, 2012

A month late...but here is our new baby Lexie.

Little Alexa Nicole was born on March 7th, she weighed just 5 pds 15 oz and was such a little peanut.  She was perfect even though she was about 3 weeks early, I was worried her lungs wouldn't be all the way developed, but thankfully they were.  She did have a little bit of a hard time learning how to eat, but she has made up for that in the last couple weeks. 
    These are just a few shots of her in the hospital
 Her feet were the first thing I saw when they put her on my stomach and I had never seen anything so tiny, we haven't been able to even put newborn socks on her cause they all fall off.
    Here she is getting ready to come home from the hospital
     She didn't really enjoy her first bath that much, but she is getting more use to them.

 Collin is the one who is the most obsessed with her out of all the kids. He CANNOT leave her alone and at first it was really cute, now it is getting a little annoying:)  He sure does love her though and who can blame him, she really is the cutest, sweetest little baby.  I am the luckiest woman in the world!

 Man I just love the newborn stage so much, I spend all my time just staring at her and holding her all day.  My poor house is really suffering because of it... its worth it though, right?!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A 10 year old with a new camera!

My oldest child turned 10 years old today!  I can hardly believe it, where has the time gone?  She asked for a lot of things for her birthday and one of those was a camera.  She must have downloaded these pictures on my computer without me knowing.  I was looking through my pictures to find something to blog about and saw all these.  It totally cracked me up:)  So for your viewing pleasure I posted my favorites, the barbies are the best part if you ask me! 


This one is going in his wedding video for sure!

Monday, May 23, 2011


I never thought that I would have a boy when I started having kids, I just figured that I would get a few girls.  I was scared when I found out Brady was a boy and didn't know what to do with a boy.  Now I have 3 little boys and I sure do know how to do boys now.  They are so much fun and I love how they are so rough and dirty and loud and then all of a sudden they are so tender and sweet with each other or with me and their sisters.  Brady has the sweetest little heart and he can be so tender and yet is also the one with the worst temper.  Collin is so stubborn and doesn't stop for one second, but he sure loves to have his dad love on him.  He also wants to be just like Brady and does and says everything he does( which drived Brady absolutely crazy everyday).  Blake isn't quite into the big boy stage yet, but I can see glimpses or it coming, luckily he still lets me snuggle and kiss on him all day so I am still a happy lady.  I think the thing I love the most about raising these boys is to see how much they love each other.  There is nothing that brings more joy to a mother than to see her children playing with each other nicely or hugging each other and sticking up for the other one when someone is mean to them.  Sometimes Brady and Collin will even start to cry when Brent or I get mad at the other one, it's so cute.  I love them so much!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Missing my girls

My parents invited Kenna and Mally to go to Bear Lake for a few days over spring break and they were so excited to go.  The one who isn't is their overprotective mother who always trys to bribe them 30 minutes before they are leaving to stay home with me... doesn't work.  I know they will have fun and hopefully get back to me safely.  I love these two so much and miss them a lot when they are gone.  I forget what a help they are to me when they are gone. 
Another thing that I have been thinking a lot about lately and am leaning towards is homeschooling them next year.  I have thought about it a lot for the past year and am getting more use to the idea of it.  Our days just seem to run smoother when we are all together and I feel like I want to spend the time with my kids teaching them instead of letting someone else have them for 6 hours a day.  I also want to be able to protect them a little more from the influences of the world until they are a little older and are not so easily influenced.  I don't know for sure what we will do, but for now the girls are really excited about the thought of it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Come on Spring

Lately the weather has been teasing me a little with it's days of nice weather and the nice sun shining.  I have lived in Utah a little too long to even think for a minute that we are done with the snow though.  I am thinking that I might just go ahead and pack up the snow clothes though, I am ready for some spring cleaning action I think!  I find myself looking at all the trees daily in hopes for any little budding blossoms.  I am so ready for spring and summer, come on already!

man I love this little guy in his snow clothes.  He is the cutest!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

I haven't ever done a post about my husband so what better day than Valentine's Day to do one!
Brent and I met in 1997 through a mutual friend that worked at Shopko with him, we were friends for about a year before we finally went to a school dance together and ended up dating for a few months after.  We broke up for a whole year after that and didn't even see each other.  Than fate stepped in.  I signed up for a math class at UVU my freshman year and his bestfriend Scott happened to be in the same 7 AM class.  I don't know what made me sign up for a class that early, mornings are not my thing.  Anyway we ended up hanging out and Brent and I were back together instantly.  We had a few dumb fights over the next year, but eventually we knew that we couldn't live without each other:)  I love this man more than I ever thought possible. He is my very best friend.  My whole universe revolves around him (and our kids).  His is so kind, slow to anger, giving, hard working, loyal, so fun to be with, and being totally HOT is good too!  He is always putting me and my needs before his and never complains.   He is the best dad to our kids and is always trying harder to make their lives better.  I think the best part is that no matter how much time we spend together I have never once felt like I was sick of being with him.  I could spend every second of my life just hanging out with him.  I am so excited that I get to be his wife not only on earth but for eternity too.  I love you Brent!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Collin's 3rd Birthday

Hard to believe, but my little Collin turned 3 last week.  It's so sad to see them grow so fast and not be a little baby anymore.  He is so fun though and it's so nice that he is finally able to communicate.  It was a hard to have him be so naughty for awhile there.  We went to the Lehi Trafalga with my family and Brents mom, lets just say we probably won't ever be going back to that Trafalga, it was such an awful layout and way too crowded.  The kids had fun though and that's what really matters I guess.  We then came back home and had pizza and cake and ice cream.  He got a lot of fun stuff from everyone and he was a happy little boy!  We are very lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives that love our kids.  We are also very lucky to have Collin in our family.

                 He loves Thomas the Train

         And Yoda (wooda in Collin language)